A partnership where all children have the opportunity to reach excellence
Our vision is that, through working in partnership between our schools as well as with parents and the wider community, we will provide opportunities for all children to excel – for every child to have their ‘moment to shine’. We recognise that all children will achieve different levels of academic excellence, and we celebrate successes, no matter how big or small, to ensure each child thrives and feels recognised and valued.
The following statement outlines the ‘Curriculum Intent’ for Hampton Primary Partnership and was composed in consultation with staff, governors and pupils. It reflects the vision for excellence in our curriculum.
‘Be the best you can be’ is at the heart of the HPP curriculum.
Across the partnership, we have created a language-rich environment to engage and stimulate the children; ensuring they become critical and reflective thinkers, who are able to make a positive contribution to society.
Our progressive, creative curriculum ensures children develop key knowledge, skills and understanding, which is imperative to succeed academically and throughout life. High expectations provide a challenge at all levels, encouraging a ‘can-do’ attitude and greater resilience.
By working in partnership with parents and carers, this supports our vision of excellence; ability to consider all pupils’ individual starting points and personal needs.
We believe that the education we provide for the children in our care should inspire a love of learning, provide the tools they need to learn effectively and equip them to deal with real-life experiences beyond the classroom. We develop a range of skills in our pupils that will enable them to think independently. All aspects of school life will be designed to inspire confident, resilient learners and equip them to thrive in an increasingly complex and ever-changing world.
Continuously improving and maintaining the quality of the learning environment in our schools is essential to providing the best possible education for our pupils. We will keep our children safe whilst providing stimulating, challenging and relevant resources to enhance their learning experiences.
Our pupils will always be encouraged and supported to “be the best they can be”.
HPP Mission
To enhance the prospects of all children by providing an inspiring curriculum and engaging teaching across our partnership from Nursery to Year 6. Our children are challenged and supported to be the best they can be.
HJS Principles
The following HPP Principles provide our school community with a focus for our continual drive for excellence is all areas.

At Hampton Junior School we follow our principles with pride; they help us to discover how to become ‘the best that we can be’. In our assemblies and throughout the day, we are able to learn the meaning of our values. It is interesting to find out about such important concepts and how they can improve the way we lead our lives.
School Council
British Values
British values are not taught as individual lessons but are embodied within the ethos and culture of our school and reflected within our school mission statement and our golden rules which are there for the benefit of everyone within our school community.
The Department for Education states that all schools should promote fundamental British values. The definition of these British values is taken from The Home Office’s Prevent Strategy and is defined as :
Respect for democracy and support or participation in the democratic process
The Rule of Law:
Respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England
Individual Liberty
Support for equality of opportunity for all
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs:
Respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religions and other beliefs.
British values are not taught as individual lessons but are embodied within the ethos and culture of our school and reflected within our school mission statement and our golden rules which are there for the benefit of everyone within our school community. They are respect, responsibility, tolerance, kindness, resilience, independence, pride, positivity, honesty, confidence, perseverance, democracy, hard work, loyalty and courage.
British Values
Our Bee Rules
At Hampton Junior School we have 5 Bee rules. These rules help us to have a happy and successful school life. They are:
Be kind to others
Be a good listener
Be respectful towards yourself, others and the school environment
Be hard working and challenge yourself
Be responsible