Junior Leaders
The Junior Leaders at Hampton Junior School include: House Captains, Sports Crew and School Council. Each group has an important role to play within the school community and are carefully selected each year.
House Captains
The House Captains are two year six children from each house, giving a total of 8 children. A very sought-after role in school: the process requires children to write and deliver a speech to all the children in their house. The children then vote for one boy and one girl candidate and the votes are tallied. House captains are not only the head of their house, they recruit, coach and facilitate inter-house competitions each term and help with the smooth running of sports day each summer. They have also been involved in other special activities in the past such as our 2018 sports quiz.
Sports Crew
Sports crew is a group of 40 – 50 children from years 5 and 6 who run sports and games activities on the playground each day at lunch time. Each member is assigned a day of the week and a sport and work together in small groups to engage children in playtime activities. Sports crew also help with the HISN sports day in the summer term. It is a voluntary job so any children motivated and enthusiastic about the role are able to participate.
School Council
Each year one school councillor is elected from each class (and two from each year 6 class) by their classmates through a speech and voting process. The school council meet once a week to discuss pupil suggestions, fundraising and upcoming projects. They have an instrumental role in various projects around the school such as suggesting equipment for the playground, fundraising and updating policies such as the new YOYOB (You Own Your Own Behaviour). Last year school council raised over £2000 for various charities including Shooting Star’s Hospice and Comic Relief. As positive role models, they award a behaviour certificate to children in their year group who have demonstrated the bee rules and the HPP principles. Through being a school councillor, students learn new skills, implement and update policies and have a lasting impact on school life at Hampton Juniors which embodying the British Values of democracy, rule of law and respect.
We have our own stationary shop in school called the Ink Pot. This is run by year 5 children. It runs every Tuesday and Friday from The Cube.
Inkpot Application Form
School Council Application Form