Internet Safety

At Hampton Junior School, we recognise the importance that technology plays in our pupils’ lives. Therefore, we feel it is vital that everyone who uses the internet and other devices knows how to act in a safe and responsible manner to make sure that they stay safe online. During the school day, children will often be using technology to support their learning in a variety of subjects and for a number of different purposes.

In order to facilitate our pupils learning, we feel that it is imperative to work in partnership with parents to ensure that pupils are happy and confident learners. Working with parents ensures that pupils are provided with the same message at school and home- reinforcing the principles of safe internet use. Therefore, we will be using this page to share information regarding safety online (including websites, apps and gaming).

At Hampton Junior school, we teach online safety throughout the year. Our students are exposed to internet safety starters which give pupils the opportunity to discuss a variety of scenarios about how they would act in given situations. Online safety is taught during computing lessons, PSHE lessons, internet safety week and is often discussed when children are using the technology we have in school.

Top tips for staying safe online from the pupils of Hampton Junior School:

  1. Never share your personal information with people online- especially those who you do not know.
  2. Only play games which have an appropriate age rating.
  3. Speak to a trusted adult if something online makes you feel uncomfortable.
  4. Be polite and treat others how you wish to be treated.
  5. Don’t click on any links which have been shared with you.
  6. Don’t reply to messages from people who you don’t know.
  7. Always ask a parent’s permission before downloading apps.

Please click here to view our Online safety policy.

Whilst at home, children may be unsupervised whilst using the internet. This allows them to view different elements of the internet -both positive and negative. Most devices and apps have parental settings, please use the QR codes opposite to take you to websites containing handy hints and tips as well as guides to setting up your child’s devices.

Most social media apps (Facebook and Tiktok) have a minimum age limit of 13 - whilst Whattsapp has an age limit of 16 so children at Hampton Junior School should not be using these.

Useful links for parents:


Please see opposite the National Online Safety ‘Wake up Wednesday’ guides for advice and areas of support for new apps.


What Parents and Carers need to know about Helldivers

Managing Exam Stress

Encouraging Open Conversations at Home 

What Parents and Carers need to know about developing healthy sleeping patterns

What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Tekken 

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About Monkey 

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About Persuasive Design Online 

Smartphone Safety Tips for Young People 

12 Top Tips for Children and Young People to enjoy a Tech-Free Christmas

What parents and carers need to know about Disney + 

What parents & carers need to know about Smart Tvs 

Looking after your wellbeing online

Ten ways gaming can support positive outcomes in children and young people

10 Top Tips for safely using smartwatches 

Please click here to view Wake Up Wednesday.