Here are some of the recent events which have taken place at Hampton Infant School and Nursery

MAG & DUG Weeks

Children in Nursery & Reception have really enjoyed their MAG and DUG weeks where they have had Mums, Aunties, Grannies, Dads, Uncles and Grandads coming into their classrooms and joining them in their learning.


Explorer Dome - Science Workshop

We have had the Explorer Dome in school this week which is always a great experience. You will see pictures in The Buzz of the giant igloo dome which has interactive science topics projected onto the inside to give the classes an immersive learning experience.


Author Visit - Paul Garaghty

To celebrate World Book week we had a very entertaining visit from children's author Paul Geraghty who has been a regular visitor to HISN over the years and has gifted us some amazing artwork. Lots of laughter was heard coming from the hall for each of the year groups sessions.


Singing Hands

This week for EYFS enrichment, we have had a Singing Hands workshop in Nursery and Reception. They taught the children Makaton signs, sang some songs and read a story while signing along. The children had fun joining in and came away knowing even more Makaton actions.


RNLI Visit

We have had an interesting visit from the RNLI who came to deliver an assembly and tell us all about the work they do to kin the community. They told the children how to stay safe at the beach or near a river, talked about the different lifeboats they use and demonstrated how fast they need to be to react to an emergency callout. They told us that they sometimes have to rescue animals and pets as well as people.


A VIP Visitor

We feel very lucky to have had a visit from Sir Mo Farah for a whole school assembly and a class workshop. Sir Mo really inspired our children and encouraged them to listen to their teachers and work hard so they can achieve their dreams. He spoke about how it felt to be Knighted by the queen, told us the breakfast he eats to prepare for a big race and was endearingly honest about his biggest failure which inspired him to achieve his biggest success, which was winning gold medals at the London Olympics.

As always, the children at HISN made us feel incredibly proud; they engaged really well, spoke with confidence and behaved impeccably.


Bounce Beyond

This term we opened with a very popular trampoline workshop to get us all off to an energetic start. The teachers definitely enjoyed it as much as the children.

Christmas at HISN

Throughout the month of December the children will have lots of opportunities to get into the Christmas spirit.They have already enjoyed a Christmas Shopping day with visits from Santa's elves. Still to look forward to are the Christmas parties (with a special guest), a festive lunch and the class shows as well as a staff Christmas panto which is always popular!


Ofsted Inspection


We were so pleased to welcome Ofsted to school as we have been waiting a while and we had so much to share with the team; they looked into every aspect of school life. The positive behaviour of the children was noted by the Ofsted Inspectors as during the inspection they were the best they could be and we were very proud of them.We very much look forward to sharing the result as soon as we are able.


World Book Day

For this World Book day we we lucky to be visited by two children's authors. They listened to ‘Alice’s wish and a magic fish’ by Lesley Rathbone who is an HPP parent, and participated in an interesting workshop with Karen Inglis.

Sponsored Circus Skills Event

As we settle into the start of a new year all the children experienced a sponsored Circus Skills workshop which was great fun for all and a positive team experience. We are very grateful to Lazer Lions for offering these workshops for free and to all the fmailies who raised sponsorship money for the school.

Arts Week

It was lovely to see all the colourful artwork displays in the school hall and reception area for Arts Week and the children really enjoyed sharing their projects.

Bounce Beyond Trampolining

All the Reception to Year 2 classes enjoyed a fun and active trampolining session on 6th & 7th June. Lots of coundowns, music and laughter could be heard coming from the hall and it was a definite hit with the children (and the teachers).

The Easter Bunny Bounce

The Easter Bunny has been busy today at HISN visiting each class and joining the children in a sponsored bounce in the playground to raise money for HISNA. The children have had fun and the bunny is off for a well-earned rest!

Lazer Lions Visit

Over March and April all Infant School classes will have the opportunity to experience a fun lazer session. The children who have taken part so far have really enjoyed it and it has been a great physical activity for everyone.

West End Dance Workshops

This week all classes are being given the opportunity to attend and experience an interactive West End dance workshop based around a text. Nursery, Reception and Y1 explored ‘How to Catch a Star’ and Y2 explored ‘The Enormous Crocodile’.